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The human body has an awesome system composed by billions of cells and little webs conectect all together, with a main organ called The Brain. Many of us can think about it as the bigest “boss” and controler in our body, or maybe we can find it in a delicate balance betwen its huge cualities and its structural weakness, but at the end it doesn`t matter the angle you decide to analyzed it, it always has been and will be subject of curiosity, reseach, amazement and specially the temple and chest that keeps the most valuable tresasure: Our knowledge.

As a result of the main rol of the brain in all the aspects of humman life, during many years people from diferent science specialities, have dedicated a lot of time trying to discover the brain secrets but even now all of them haven`t been revealed. The things that we know about it at these momment have change the bases and procedures in many science fiels, for some of them the use of these new information has been normal because of the nature of their studies, but contrary the surprise or disagreement of some other, the neuroscience and its discoveries might be useful in the educational practice. One of the believers in these teory`s contribution to the improvement of the teaching and learning procceses is Eric P. Jensen (a former teacher and current member of the Society for Neuroscience).

Since ten years ago, Mr. Jensen wrote several books and articles related to the involment of brain in the educational procces with the neuroscience and neuroscientific`s help. He explained that “ the brain is intimately involved and connected with everything educators an students do at school” that is why everything must be planned to be engaged with the purpose of reaching the best conditions to teach, learn and develop all the brain`s potential and learning ability. “These science is based in what we know about how our brain works” and the decisions we take to improve our teaching practice acording to these principles.

On the other hand, it is important to highlight that brain base education according to Jensen “ requires a multidiciplinary approach” taken what is needed form each discipline, believing in what we do, but specially based on teachers aplying these knowledge, because most neuroscientis won`t do it just because it is not their specialty. Some interesting aspects showed in this article are for example: the way the author explains that the human brain can grow new neurons depending on the cuality of his nutrition and physical activity; also he explains that “schools present countless opportunities to affect students brains” even in a positive or negative way. On these point he talks about how stress, anciety, depression may afect the brain funtion and of course the students and teachers personal and academic development..

Another interesting facts are for example, the way how the brain`s work can be improved, acorrding to Jensen implement some of these actions may help the brain function, for example a good nutricion, a good enviroment in class and including arts and physical activities in the teaching program.

On the other hand, he explains that there has been and still are many people who don´t think about these theory as useful or adapted to be used in classrooms, maybe because of its scientific procedence, neurocience is not a very common place visited or consulted by teachers, but he expects this to change and maybe many of his critics to realize of this theory`s relevance because even there is much more to research, experimenting and proving only using it by ourselves we can have the chance of decide if is useful or not
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