Friday, July 9, 2010

Useful information

This part contains some links. The goal of this activity is to help you to find information about some other teaching methods in order make you think about this topics.
At the end you can choose the method you like the most and answer these questions:
Why did I like it?
Would I use it in my own classes?
What do I need to apply it? (resources)
Does It have disadvantages?




note: if the links do not work, cut them and paste them on your explorer window

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The community language learning.

Developed by Charles Curran Community Language Learning seeks to encourage teachers to see their students as "whole" persons, where their feelings, intellect, interpersonal relationships, protective reactions, and desire to learn are addressed and balanced. It also tries to encourage the students to take increasingly more responsibility for their own learning. Finally a relationship of mutual trust and support is considered essential to the learning process.

The suggestopedia was created by the a Bulgarian psychologist Georgi Lozanov on the late 70s, he proposed a concept related to learners and the barriers students consciously or not create in some learning areas, for that reason he thought in a way to eliminate or reduce the impact of this barriers in the students learning process. When we applied in the language acquisition process, the prime objective of Suggestopedia is to tap into more of students' mental potential to learn, in order to accelerate the process by which they learn to understand and use the target language for communication.

The silent way.

The silent way method was presented in class by a group of students, they began their activity presenting some interesting topics, they didn`t say anything in the target language, they just gave us some instructions and activities to do. The first one was to do a role play about some modern social groups and then they ask us to make a little summary to present in class using some handouts designed there, with materials brought by them. The use of this method according to the experience presented, may be limited by the size of the class, the time and the resources available and also by the topics chosen because not every topic may be interesting for the entire class and also it may be hard obtaining a good first response from them because usually in our country our student`s previous English knowledge is generally limited.

The audio lingual method

The audio lingual method is an oral-based approach, it main goal is to develop students communication in the target language through the continuous practice of speaking drills supported on grammar and images and the teacher guidance the employment of many audio materials y very frequent, basically the students are exposed to a lot of input in the target language and begin to speak almost immediately repeating over and over again the information studied in class.
This may be a useful method to apply in class, but the materials have to be carefully selected to avoid the routine or the use boring information with our students. Some resources that may be used in class are the radio, cds and images to join the drills.